Sunday, November 15, 2020

"This, Too, Shall Pass"...

News these days hardly lifts up our spirits.

There's so much fear, negativity, and worry.

COVID-19 is wreaking havoc all over the world and throughout the United States.

It's unlike anything ever seen in my own lifetime.

 Sometimes when I forget to put on a mask and go into a store, someone points it out.

For that reminder, I am glad, and usually dart back to my car to get one.

It's important to keep everyone around me safe.

These difficult times in which we are living will not last.

A good reminder is "THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS" and it will. 


In the meantime, we must all help each other stay safe.

Life is so precious and fleeting and each day is an immense gift.



Linda O'Connell said...

Indeed a mask may prevent the passing of someone else. I do not understand why folks feel theur rights are being trampled. In fact it is ridiculous. I saw ameme that says it all: wearing a mask is an IQ test.
Hope you have a great week.

Kit said...

Crazy out there for sure. I have taken to just staying home and if I do go out it is only small places with hardly any people and of course I wear a mask. And no people around me unless they live in my bubble. Take care my friend. Kit

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Dear Susan, I am sorry I haven't been around of late. We are keeping well in body and reasonably well in soul too. There is so much to weight our minds and hearts, but I try to keep my thoughts positive where I can and read books that add solace and beauty to them. I had a dream the other night where I forgot to put on my mask when I went out and was horrified that I'd forgotten.

Keep safe and thank you for your lovely posts!
Brenda xo

diane stetson said...

To keep safe I follow all the protocols that the health department nationally and locally put out. I wear a mask all the time when going to grocery stores and any place I may meet people. I stay home a great deal and do not go to parties or large gatherings and if I do go anywhere I make sure it is outside for any activities. Stay safe and healthy Susan. This will be going on for quite a long time.

Red Rose Alley said...

A lovely post of Hope, Susan. I don't go out much, just over Nel's house, and I'm pretty much just around my own immediate family. Did you watch The Pope say Mass on tv this morning? It was at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. It was a wonderful message to all during this time. : )


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