Monday, August 1, 2022

The Presence of Angels...

 There are times in life when circumstances seem dark and foreboding.

It's hard to keep a positive outlook during these times, no matter how hard we try.

 Perhaps it's all part of the human condition.  

Life can be exquisite but it can also be tougher than a junkyard dog.

It's during dark times that calling upon angels helps.

Some people don't believe such creatures exist but they do.

It has even been stated by the Lord that "For to His angels, He's given a command, to guard you in all of your ways..."

Yes!  Our Heavenly Father sends us angels to help us.

No, they don't have wings or special dresses, like the sweet figure in today's photo. 

He sometimes sends them in the forms of friends or other special people who show up to help us when we are at our lowest.

They fill us with hope and joy, then quietly go about their ways, leaving us much better off than we were before they stepped in.



diane stetson said...

I say a prayer to my guardian angel every night and morning. I pray to St. Michael the Archangel after every Mass in church. Yes I believe in angels and always have.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Susan, your post was much needed today. I am running around doing many errands, getting ready for a trip, and taking care of other things that come up as well. I'm exhausted. Yes, I believe in Angels, and I believe they may come in other forms, as you said. I know this move is such a difficult time for you right now. Sometimes life is just hard, isn't it? But then we get unexpected blessings that come out of nowhere.

Sending love to you on this first day of August.


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