Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Pumpkins Are Coming!

 Like it or not, pumpkins are showing up all over the place.

Stretching out summer is over.

 It's autumn. 

Even though the temps still climb up to summery readings in the mid-afternoons, evenings are very cool.

No more looking for perky petunias.  Tulips and daffodils are long gone.

Chrysanthemums are the rage now. 

Farmers' market stalls are filled with, you guessed, pumpkins! Yippah!

The pumpkins shown in today's photo are from Highlawn Farm in Western Massachusetts where we drove to get delectable, creamy ice-cream cups.

It's so delicious, maybe, because it's made from milk that comes from cows seen right over the fence on the grass.

Thank goodness we still have several weeks before frost will be on those pumpkins.



diane stetson said...

Not a fan of pumpkin anything. Just give me fall apples and applesauce and things of that flavor. Fall is my favorite season especially when I am back east . See you soon.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful picture of the orange pumpkins on the hay stack. It's been cold here in the mornings and evenings. I had to turn my heater on this weekend. Yes, Mums are the prettiest flower in Fall. The ice cream sounds Yummy and natural that you had from the farm.

Have a peaceful weekend, Susan.


*I sent you an e-mail. ; )

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