Friday, February 5, 2010

Good Words To Live By

May the sun bring you new energy by day

May the moon softly restore you by night

May the rain wash away your worries

May the breeze blow new strength into your being

May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty

All the days of your life.

Apache Blessing

This blessing is so meaningful. How many of us truly walk gently through the world? Most of us speed through each day, rushing to complete all the things on our "to do" lists. We barely have time to kiss our loved ones goodbye in the morning. Hurry, hurry, hurry is the mantra of so many days of our lives.

Do we really know the beauty of the world? Do we take time to look up into the sky and see the incredible loveliness of cloud formations? Or see the outline of tree branches in the winter? Do we look at the intracacies of a rose? Smell its exquisite fragrance?

When it rains, do we think of it as washing away our worries?

The Apache blessing has been taped to our refrigerator for some time now. It is a needed reminder to walk gently, let the sun energize, and know the beauty of the world each day.

Do you identify with the blessing?


diane stetson said...

I would love to live by that blessing...maybe in my retirement after I don't work two jobs.12 hours a day. I love the picture!

Susan said...

Hello Di....That blessing can be lived NOW, even while working 12 hours a day. It just takes awareness of how precious each MOMENT of life is! The sun comes up and the moon comes out, even if one is working or not! The breezes come and the rains come, too. The photo I took from our moving car at sundown. Cool, huh? Thanks for your visit and comment. Sincerely, Susan

Chatty Crone said...

Absolutely and I have a small frame with that blessing in it and it is hung up in my house!
All we have is now. Sandie

Susan said...

Sandie,that's amazing you have the blessing framed in your house. That's great. You are right. All we DO have is now. Thanks for your comment and visit. So nice to have you! Sincerely, Susan

Andrea said...

Thank you for sharing your inspirational writings. We all need to be uplifted every day, what with the way the world is going. There are so many things to be thankful for and you are a blessing to many.

Susan said...

Hello Dear Andrea....I am humbled by your kind words. Thank you so much! Was so happy you stopped by to visit and to leave your comment. Have a peaceful night. Sincerely, Susan

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

What a lovely blessing! :-)

Susan said...

Thank you, Susan. And thank you SO MUCH for following! Welcome! I am so happy you will come to visit. I hope you come often! Sincerely, Susan

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