Friday, June 18, 2010

For the Love of Flowers

Whenever feelings of sadness or fear rise in my heart, a quick anecdote is a bouquet of flowers

Recently, when I found out that a family member's cancer had come back, my first reaction was a mixture of dread, sadness, and worry. Quickly, I realized there was nothing I could do about a medical determination.  What is in my power is being a source of love and support to the person in the midst of pain and sorrow.

Ordering flowers from a flower shop can be an expensive proposition. A local supermarket, however, has a fabulous array of flowers at very affordable prices. In a conversation with the woman who works in that department, I explained that my loved one was very ill and that the flowers were for her. This family member had her own flower garden for years and grew a variety of lovely flowers. 

"Could you put together an arrangement of colorful spring flowers?," I asked her, fighting back tears. Within a few hours, the bouquet was done and ready to be picked up. A variety of flowers, all in beautiful colors, had been set in a vase and tied with a cheery pink ribbon. The florist had done an outstanding job with the bouquet and the price was about half what I would have paid in a standard floral shop.

The bouquet contained yellow carnations and lilies, pink and white roses, lavender mums, and a deep cranberry colored flower, among many others.  A pink ribbon adorned the glass vase.

My dear one loved the bouquet. Everyone who sees it exclaims how regal it is.

No one knows what the future holds for any of us, sick or well. We have just moments and those must be appreciated and savored. Each moment holds special gifts, like flowers, and enjoying their colors, fragrance, and variety is part of the magnificence of life. One last thought is that it's good to remind ourselves how fleeting, precious, and transitory this life on earth actually is.



Claus said...

I'm terribly sorry about this sad news Susan. When a loved one is in pain, one wishes there was a magical beverage one could give and take all the pain and sorrow away.

Curiously, when I'm sad or worried, I tend to clean and organize. I'm always able to find something that needs organization and some cleaning. I also go to the garden and start weeding, pruning...I guess I always try to have my mind busy with different things. And while at it, I pray, and try to send positive thoughts.

My thoughts and prayers to you and your loved one.

diane stetson said...

I pray!
Thanks for bringing this beautiful boquet! God bless our loved one!

Karen Lange said...

So sorry to hear your news. Will pray for you and your family. The flowers are so pretty. I agree, they are just the thing to cheer someone.
Have a good weekend,

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry to hear about your family member. Man. I love the colors especially the colors you picked on your flowers. I think that was a great gesture.

I usually call a friend - write a blog - something like that.


Terri Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry:( The flowers are beautiful !I'm sure they cheered her. When someone is down around me, I always buy a card and send it:)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Susan I am sorry to hear that bad news! It is so hard to know just what to do in that situation and your response was perfect. The flowers are beautiful and thoughtful. I try to be available to talk if someone needs it, cards and sometimes flowers!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Susan -

Oh, that's so sad. The flowers are lovely, and I'm sure she enjoyed them.

I'll usually start a correspondence. Many people with cancer have a sense of isolation. Encouragement, prayer, and sharing your life with them helps alleviate that loneliness.

Susan :)

BECKY said...

Hi Susan. I'm so sorry to hear about your family member, but the beautiful flowers were such a lovely thought, and I know they meant so much to her/him. What do I do for myself when I'm feeling sad? It a friend, talk things over with my husband, take a nap...Depending on what kind of sad it is...if I just feel like I need a little pick-me-up, I go and buy a very inexpensive pair of earrings for myself! That always does the trick!! :)

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