Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two-Part Post: A Sign of Autumn and Delicious Buttermilk!

While full foliage season is still several weeks away here in New England, there are tell tale signs that it's on its way.

See the tree above?  Its leaves are already starting to change. The tinge of orange is definitely there.

Hey, wait a minute. Do you see a face on the trunk of this big, old tree?  Let's take a closer look.

Holy jumping "jerazzafras". There IS a face on this old beauty. Thank goodness. I was beginning to think the apple cider from the roadside stand was spiked!

Well, hello old fellow! Hope you enjoy the whole autumn season! You must know that blustery winter won't be far behind. But in the meantime, just the thought of you will keep me smiling!

If you like buttermilk, do I have some news for you.

First of all, I'd like to preface this part of the post by saying there is usually no "pushing" products of any kind on this blog. That's not the purpose of the posts. I do like to share with readers new discoveries. I get no pay-offs of any kind and don't work for any companies mentioned.

With that said, I want to tell you about the best buttermilk I've ever tasted. My father used to love buttermilk. As a kid, I had no use for it what, so, or ever. As an adult, however, I definitely acquired a taste for buttermilk.

One day, in a supermarket, I saw a pastel yellow plastic container with a green top called "Kate's Real Buttermilk" in the dairy case. There was a picture of a little girl (that must be Kate) and the letters around her read "Farm Fresh From Maine." The bottle also noted the buttermilk was made from fresh cream churned into butter but had less than one percent milk fat.

Hmmmmm. Sounded interesting so I bought it. Once home, I poured myself a glass, and I'll be darned, it was the best buttermilk I'd ever tasted in my life! It tasted absolutely rich, thick, creamy, tangy, and yummiest! I couldn't wait to have my next glass, it was that good.

It was even fun to read the writing on the bottle, telling about the Patry family of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, who makes butter as well as the buttermilk. There's a drawing of a red barn and silo on the bottle, too. It read that "you won't find any dyes, preservatives, or thickening agents in our buttermilk. Kate's rich, creamy buttermilk is pure buttermilk, made from the churns of our delicious homemade butter. Just one taste and you'll never settle for anything else."

The message on that bottle has come true in my own life. I love Kate's buttermilk and have never tasted any buttermilk more delicious. Maybe it's because it's made from cows that are not treated with artificial growth hormones. Who knows? All I know is that is too delicious for words.

I love reading about the history of products. On the eHow website, I read that buttermilk was used as far back as 5000 years ago by ancient Hindus. The people of that time period used butter as currency since it was very valuable so buttermilk was highly valued then, too.

And you know what else? There are not large amounts of butter in buttermilk. It's simply the liquid that results from making butter. However it evolved, if you like a tangy taste, you'll love buttermilk and Kate's is top notch.

For more information on the history of buttermilk, check out the eHow website.

Okay. Here's another question of the day for all readers of this blog:



Claus said...

LOVE the tree!! I really do! It made me smile :-) I have seen plenty of leaves on the ground around here, and I've been wondering whether those trees are going through their own particular Autumn, or whether they have too much humidity in them due to so much rain! Probably the latter...Still, I like to think there is a little bit of Autumn around me ;-)
I have never tried buttermilk. I don't think it's available around here. Then again, aside from cheese, I'm not too much into dairy, so I don't go to that section in the market that often. What does it taste like, I wonder.
have a great day!!

Adrienne said...

Are trees are just beginning to turn. That tree is beautiful!

You lost me on the buttermilk. I think it's the texture. On the other hand it's been a lifetime since I actually tried it, so maybe things will be different. Or I could get some and turn it into ranch dressing. :-)

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

It is starting to turn Fall here in SC, too!!
Praise the LORD!!!
I have never drunk (can I say that?) buttermilk, but I sure love to cook with it.
I may have to actually try it!
I think it's the thickness of it that kinda grosses me out!
That, and the smell.
But, if I find Kate's here at Whole Foods or Publix I promise to try it and let you know, m'kay?
Hugs and love,

Susan said...

Hi Girls! Well, everyone's taste is different. Buttermilk, to me, is kind of sour and I love the thick, creaminess. Mmmmmmmm

It does, indeed, make good ranch dressing, too, Adrienne.

Wish I could send each of you a bottle! Thanks for stopping by. Love, Susan

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hmmm not a buttermilk fan but it's very useful in cooking! That said I love the face on that tree! Made me smile and I need that today. I haven't seen much leave changing yet here but it will come. Enjoy your day!


Dianne said...

Love the tree... is it just a random tree that you found with a face on it! Is it in someone's yard? And no I'm not a buttermilk drinker... My dad LOVES it with cornbread crumbled into it. We did have a creamy white mare named Buttermilk though when I was a teen!

Rebecca said...

Buttermilk - my grandpa used to drink it straight from the carton. It kind of gags me to think about drinking it - something about its consistency. But I DO use it in baking. My 6 week refrigerated raisin bran muffin mix calls for it, and I add powdered buttermilk in my oatmeal bread (breadmaker style).

Have heard the fall colors here may not be as beautiful as years past. Something about too wet too soon or too cold too early -- I can't remember the reasons.

Chatty Crone said...

No can't say I like Buttermilk at all. But, a lot of the trees in our back yard have faces on them. Andy's forest. sandie

Anonymous said...

Kate's Buttermilk is only available in most New England supermarkets and Hannaford's in western NY. Unlike most brands sold today this is Real buttermilk from the churning of butter, not skim milk with various additives and labeled buttermilk ( the FDA lets it go like many other regulations ).

This is a sweeter form of buttermilk than what was made by small dairies or when people made their own butter many years ago. That was usually made from sour cream or about to turn sour. Kate's butter is made from sweet cream, hence the sweeter but still tangy flavor of buttermilk.

It is great for cooking, check some of the recipes on their website and many people love to drink it. My grandparents in northern Maine drank it and lived to be 96 and 106, must be something to it!

Anonymous said...







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