Sunday, March 13, 2011

Beauty From Nothing

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. People there live in extreme poverty.

One of my nieces is there now, on her third missionary trip. Before she left, I asked her if there was anything, in particular, she needed. Her answer was empty potato chip or cookie bags!

Apparently, the women in Haiti make attractive and colorful purses from the empty food bags. The night before she left, I brought the bags over to her house where she washed them and put them into a suitcase.

She also asked for prayers. It's not easy to live without electricity or indoor plumbing, particularly if one is used to such conveniences.

My niece is in my heart and yes, in my prayers as well. While I feel it is extremely commendable for her to give of her time and love to the Haitian people, especially the children, I'll also be glad when she is safely home again.

All prayers are welcome for my niece as well as for all the people in that suffering nation.



Bookie said...

Your niece must be a special person. I have alwys admired those people who go and do. Remember Tom Dooley?

These bags in the pictures I assume are from Haiti. Does your niece bring them back and market them herself?

Linda O'Connell said...

What an honorable and rewarding thing your niece is doing. God bless her and keep her safe.

Mariette said...

Dearest Susan,

We've probably spend half of our lives working for and IN third world countries. We worked in South America; South Africa; Asia. But I must say that there is quite a difference WHERE you are and the attitude of the people. No other nation did receive as much foreign aid from our government, plus private help through Churches and such as Haiti and yet, they lack the attitude for wanting to make it on their own. It has been a pleasure for us to do our training in countries where you see improvement, where the locals take it over and become successful. Like the old Chinese proverb goes: Don't feed them fish but teach them how to catch fish themselves.
Wish your niece all the best. Both my husband and I are of the opinion that all youth, if not joining the military, should at least spend half a year in a third world country. That will teach them a LOT. They will appreciate more the LUXURY LIFE that we all are living here. Spoiled rotten and unable to handle the slightest problems that come their way as the parents cleared most obstacles for them.
Have a great week!


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Susan, I commend your niece for the wonderful work she is doing. I saw this exact same craft somewhere and forwarded it to our environmental science teacher who then forwarded it to our art teachers. In a country where chips and cookies are consumed at an alarming rate, and a recyclying program is nearly null and void, I thought it would be a great craft to do with the kids. I think it is fantastic that just this simple offering allows the women of Haiti to make some wonderful bags so that they can earn an income. God bless your niece and all those who give of their time so readily to those in need. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Susan, what a special niece you have.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't think I physically could do it - I would be more trouble then help. But there are other ways to help. And prayer is one and I will pray for your niece - what a hero and courageous woman. THere is so much going on out there right now. Whew.



Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

You have a very special niece. While I truly admire people like your niece, I don't know if I have the fortitude to be like her. Thankfully there are young people like her who are able and willing to be so courageous.

diane stetson said...

I gave her some song books and they arrived just before she left. I know music will help in making the children feel happy. God Bless our neice!

Claus said...

Been to a third world country? I live in one!! ha! Latin American countries are considered third world countries, which includes Guatemala. Of course, there are countries in worse state than others, like Haiti. God bless your niece for giving a helping hand.


Rebecca said...

We HAVE been to a few "third world" countries (including Haiti). Our daughter is currently in the Philippines chaperoning a college students' spring break mission. (I'm not sure that the Philippines are considered "third world".) I know what you mean about safety! Amber will be spending 4 days in Japan at the end of her two weeks in the Philippines!

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