Monday, March 7, 2011

A French Cup for Tea Cup Tuesday!

Every Tuesday, Martha, from Martha's Favorites, and Terri from Artful Affirmations sponsor Tea Cup Tuesday.

Today is their  52nd  party!  Congratulations Martha and Terri!  When you think how many tea cups have already been shown it's mind boggling and there have been some really magnificent styles and colors from women all over blogland.

It's been awhile since Writing Straight from the Heart has participated in Tea Cup Tuesday because, well, I ran out of tea cups after showing my entire collection, which numbers a paltry 16.

Recently, however, I found a sweet cup and saucer to be passed off as being suitable for tea,  shown in today's post. I'm so happy to be able to, once again, join the par-tay!  woo hoo! (Hope nobody throws me out because it's not a tea cup per se.)

Seeing this lovely cup and saucer, I was immediately drawn to its flowery simplicity. I found it to be very appealing.  Flipping it over, it read "Longchamp" as well as made in France. It's in the Nemours pattern.

Well, because  doing research on new finds is fun, I attempted to find more information about the Longchamp Company.  What kept popping up was an extremely upscale Longchamp leather and luxury goods company established in 1948.

So the history of the Longchamp Company that makes china remains rather a mystery. It was interesting to find out, though, from Wikipedia, that there is a "Parc Longchamp," which is a city park, in Marseille, France.  It surrounds "Palais Longchamp" where visitors will find a Museum of Arts and a Natural History Museum.  The park, according to Wikipedia, is touted as a "notable garden of France." Looking at a photo of it, it appears to be lavishly opulent.

Guess what?  There's actually a town in France by the name of this cup's pattern, Nemours. It's located in north central France.  The name "Nemours" is derived from the word "woods," or, "nemora" in French.

One last note about Longchamp china. It's very pricey.  The replacement value set for today's cup and saucer is more than $39!   A dinner plate in the same pattern costs $99.95 to replace.  Wowsers.

So there you have it----my "new to me" Longchamp "Nemours patterned" cup and saucer.



Bookie said...

This is a sweet cup, Susan...pansies, don't you think? You did not say where you found it. A flea market find?

I finally have something for Teacup Tuesday again myself. It has been long while. I must figure out what I am going to do about my teacup life. I just found another today and was not even truly looking! Is there a Teacup AA????

Karen Lange said...

So lovely! And interesting info, too; I was not aware of much of this. That is pricey, can you imagine buying a whole set? Oh my.
Glad you shared!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Susan: How are you? Love the tea cup you are sharing today. I have never seen one or heard of it. I will keep my eyes open for them now. Please let me know how you are doing. I have been a little sick, but I am better now thank God. Blessings dear friend, Martha

debi said...

Oh, very pretty cup! I love the pattern, and the colors.

Susan said...

Lovin the French cup!

Terri said...

I have enjoyed your post, and think your tea cup and saucer are lovely. The cup does look very French to me. It is really a pretty cup. Is the handle gold? All the information you found out while researching is very interesting! This is one of the many part of collecting tea cups that I truly enjoy. I do have cups from other countries, France, England, Bavaria, Germany, Poland, Japan and I think Egypt.
Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Mariette said...

Dearest Susan,

Drinking Tea is after Water the second most consumed beverage so showing such a lovely cup & saucer is quite appropriate.
Have a great week!



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Susan, I hope you use your cup today to make a nice cup of tea and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. :) Can I come for breakfast? Sounds like a lovely way to start the day. Congrats on your story being published -- wow, only $100 for your submission. I would imagine its the validation itself that is worth more than any monetary value. Best wishes for a wonderful day. Tammy

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

such pretty teacup! I love it! thanks for sharing and have a great week!

Chatty Crone said...

Nice cup Susan and good information - I didn't know all that. Pretty. sandie

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful cup and saucer! Pretty pattern and what great info you have provided us with!!


Kathy said...

Hello Dear Susan,
This is marvelous - just love the teacup and what you've found - would love to have one that was made in France - Would be marvelous to visit those towns to see if we could see what inspired the teacup's pattern!
Love it!

Claus said...

My grandma left her china, plates, me when she passed away. Such a treasure! In it, I've been able to find pieces from all over the world, sent to my grandma back when my uncle was a diplomat, and used to travel all over. England, China, Japan, Germany, France...just to name a few, in many shapes, colors, styles. I'm so fortunate, don't you think so?
Lovely tea cup! I like the flowers very much.
have a great day!

Susan said...

Hello Everybody! How wonderful you have stopped by today.

This blog's two newest followers are Sandi, from Rose Chintz Cottage and Retired English Teacher, from Colorado. A warm welcome to both of you. Hope you stop by often. It's wonderful to have you.

Hope each person reading this has a delightful day! Susan

Donna said...

How cheerful and lovely, Susan! Yes, you and I are definitely anxious for spring after our long New England winter! Here's to warmer weather!.. Donna

diane stetson said...

"Tea for two and two for tea, just me for you and you for happy we will be..Nobody near us to see us or hear us, no friends or relations on weekend vacations"....why do your posts always remind me of songs?

Anonymous said...

Susan, what a pretty cup and saucer. It has a happy design of summer flowers, and I like the blue scallop design on the edges. It's a perfect cup for sipping tea while knitting, crocheting, or relaxing with a good book.


Hillcrest Cottage said...

This is my china that I received when I got married... found this blog because I still love it and wanted to replace some pieces which I have lost over the years.... wow... expensive... thanks for the info!

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