Thursday, August 11, 2011

Simple Summertime Pleasure

Today we are joining Dayle's Simple Summertime Pleasure Party at A Collection of This and That.

Every week, participants tell what one simple pleasure is in their lives. Right now, it's a summertime pleasure.  

Here's mine:

Every summer, off comes the protective cover of the gas grill so we cook something delicious outside in the backyard.

Thick cheeseburgers from the grill taste so delicious with fresh lettuce, a fat slice of luscious tomato, and a little mayo on a bun. Mmm mmm mmm Can't beat that summertime taste.

We have had barbecued ribs on the grill this summer and they were yummy, too.  When it comes to buying barbecue sauce, however, I've very vigilant to check to list of ingredients. If the first one is high fructose corn syrup or sugar, it goes back onto the supermarket shelf.  It's hard to find one without too much sugar but at least it doesn't have to be the first ingredient.

Sometimes we put corn on the cob, unshucked, on the grill, too. In Central America, corn is served with a bit of chili pepper and lime juice which are less fattening than butter.  But I like it slathered with butter and salt, too.

Yup.  Grilling dinner is definitely one of my favorite summertime pleasures.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I like fresh grilled corn just as it is. Doesn't require butter or salt.

I bought hubby a grill for our anniversary many years ago. When I stopped eating meat, he stopped using it. I told him he could still grill things for him and the boys, but he says it is not the same, so the grill just sits. Maybe he just isn't the grilling type of guy. Plus, too dang hot during the summer to get out there.

Hope your day is great. Tammy

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

5:57 am and I could sit and devour those fantastic looking ribs and corn on the cob right now! I love grilled food but I am not as good at it as I don't get a lot of practice. My oldest daughter is a grillin' Master. I think she does most of her dinners (year round, weather permitting) on the grill.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

now that's my kind of food!!! it all looks so yummy. said...

Now I can say we have missed grilling because of the heat wave...when it is still 102 at 10 pm, well grilling isn't a joy!
This looks wonderful...and when cooler temps come back I will be out on my grill

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh that looks so good. I don't grill and MR ALC isn't much of a griller but I have friends who do and I flock to their BBQ parties for sure.

It's Just Dottie said...

I grill all year . Wish I could have enjoyed some of those ribs with you. My favorite to grill is Shish Kobobs.
Smiles. Dottie

Jerralea said...

Grilled food is definitely a summertime pleasure! I love corn on cob grilled.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

We love grilling, summertime, wintertime, springtime, anytime. :) Something about it make the food taste better, especially if The Man is doing the grilling. HA!

Chatty Crone said...

Can you send me your recipe for those ribs - seriously! YUMMY!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Susan,
We grill all year round here in Australia. We call it a BarBarQue and my hubby just loves cooking on the Barbie. Food always tastes better when cooked outside in the fresh air.
Your ribs look delicious.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

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