Saturday, February 4, 2012

Remember When...

My father died on February 3rd in 1989. 

It's hard to believe it's been 23 years since I hugged him, heard his voice, and looked into his eyes.

When we are little, we think our parents are going to be around forever.  We cannot fathom life without them.

Then we grow up, our parents grow old, and eventually, the terrible days come when we have to say our earthly goodbyes. 

It's so painful that it defies description . 

When my father was dying in a hospital, I thought my heart was going to break in two. Right before he took his last breath, a tear trickled down his cheek.

Today, 23 years later, I still miss him.  Sometimes,  when driving down a familiar street in my hometown ,  a car will pass and I'll  think it's him behind the wheel.

You know how some people have look-alikes?  Of course, it's never him. My father departed from this earthly life so long ago.

Last week in church, the same church my father attended, a man across the aisle also looked like my Dad and I felt the familiar ache in my heart.

My father shared his fascination with hummingbirds with me when I was just a child. He'd tell me to come quick and look at the hummer on the porch or in the garden.  He was always amazed at how fast the wings of those little creatures moved.

Since my father's death, the sight of a hummingbird makes me immediately think of him. Maybe his spirit is now with those darling little birds.

Just the other day, I took a photograph of a piece of stained glass that has hung in my upstairs office for eight years now.  It's shown at the top of this post.

Right between the pink roses is a white, guess what?  A hummingbird! 



Karen Lange said...

What a lovely tribute to your Dad! It's nice that you have good memories to treasure. Our loved ones live on in our hearts.

Blessings and hugs,

Kerrie said...

Thinking of you on this day and sending love and prayers. May you always be surrounded by God’s love and hummingbirds flying above.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Susan my Dad also loved Humming Birds. I think of him when I see them! They are special to me also. My Dad has been gone almost 6 years now. I miss him always. Thinking of you! Hugs, Linda

Bookie said...

I understand and share everything you wrote. My dad loved cycles and he rode a Gold Wing. Knowing he was dying, he sold it and we all cried watching it wheel out the drive with someone else. For me, hearing the roar of a big motorcylcle...well, you know.

Bookie said...
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AnneMarie said...

Such lovely memories of your dear Dad. I know exactly what you mean whenever I see someone that looks like my Mum or Dad I do a double take. I think it is wishful thinking on our part! Hang onto the good memories always. Lots of love xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, what a lovely tribute to your Dad. We will never forget our lost loved ones. My dad has been gone for 14 years and I still miss him a lot. It's nice to have such lovely memories ^_^
Have a great weekend!


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hey Susan! We were on the same wavelength with our posts as mine is about losing my Mammaw in 1988. I still think of her all the time for so many different reasons. She was a very big part of my growing up years. Hope you are having a wonderful day. God bless, Tammy

Nancy's Notes said...

What a beautiful and loving post, I know your daddy is smiling right now. Your stained glass is gorgeous and what a little hummingbird you have watching over you!

Kit said...

So lovely a post. I like that hummingbirds remind you of your Dad. So sweet! Kit

diane stetson said...

Dad is watching down over all his daughters, grandkids and great grandkids...gardens, flowers, bird feeders, squirrels...all these remind me of him. Rest in Peace Daddy!

Richard Cottrell said...

Fathers are very special people. Richard from My Old Historic House.

Lady Linda said...

Dear Susan, a very touching post about your father. My dad is still with us and such a sweetie. My mom has been gone for 15 years. I wasn't to close to my mom, but everytime I see someone with "fushia" lipstick, I think of my mom.
Have a nice weekend,

Heirloom treasures said...

There is too,I didn't see it at first. Had you never noticed the bird before?
A lovely tribute to your dad, we never ever grow up,do we when we think of parents,we are children again.
Happy memories though.
xx jeanetteann

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I'm glad you've gotten to the happy memories part. Grief hurts big time!

Recently, I had one of those look-alike sightings. This guy bore a striking resemblance to my late husband.

My Dad died in 1987. It's hard to lose someone you've known your entire life even though the separation is temporary.

Chatty Crone said...

Nice memories of your father. Spring makes me think of my mom - she loved it here in GA - she said it was a blessing and not a season. sandie

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