Thursday, April 23, 2015

One More Book....

Throughout the years,  more self-help "diet" books have come home than could possibly be counted.

Some were quite helpful, others were trash.

I swore no more would be purchased.  However, the other day, during a quick Goodwill run, I happened to see one written by Dr. Mark Hyman.

He's appeared on tv and actually lives in the same area as we do so I was curious about this book and bought it.

You know what?  It's really good and has some excellent tips on revving up the metabolism and getting, well, healthy.

He does recommend eliminating caffeine which would mean bye bye to morning  coffee. Now that would be hard.

However, many of the other "key" or recommendations are worth a shot.

One can also find him on Pinterest so if you are interested, check him out!

ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT KEEPING YOUR WEIGHT DOWN? (p.s. For my own answer to that question, it can be said in one word. NO.)


SImple and Serene Living said...

I haven't consumed caffeine for 40 years and unfortunately I still have problems with my weight. :-)
XO Laura

Linda O'Connell said...

No. If only I could stay away from carbs and sugar. I drink decaffeinated tea. So many fad diets. I think anything in moderation is my motto. Now I need to adjust my defiant ion of moderation.

Linda O'Connell said...


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have to have my morning coffee!! But don't have much other caffeine. I have had weight problems for years now! Ugh!

Bookie said...

Big, big battle...give up caffiene, no as my strong morning tea or tea before 2:00 is about my only goodie left in life. However, I caved this week and had both hot dogs and ice cream in the food desert!

Chatty Crone said...

Ah no....

Decor To Adore said...

Susan I would be interested to hear if you apply his recommendation and then have a follow up post a bit down the road. I did finally give up soda at the first of the year. I do have one cup of coffee in the am as the caffeine is good for those who have Alzheimer's in their family which I do. Sigh, its such a tossup.

diane stetson said...

I do not drink coffee but I do have a cup of tea in the morning..that's about all the caffeine I drink. I have been the same dress size for over thirty years and now that I'm older I doubt that will change. Portions are my main challenge! Good luck with your new diet book!

marianne said...

I think caffeine in moderation is not a bad thing. I usually start with tea first thing in the morning and then mid to late morning I have one cup of coffee. I didn't start drinking coffee until I was around 50; my kids were grown and I went back to work and always enjoyed a coffee break at work.

The diet thing can be problematic, but I guess eating healthy foods in moderation is key.

Lady Linda said...

It's such an endless struggle that seems to get worse as I age...sigh. I keep trying to eat healthy and have eliminated most sugar and a lot of carbs. I like summer as I find it easier to eat better.
I do have one cup of coffee in the morning and switch to tea the rest of the day.

Terri Tiffany said...

Until a few years ago, I was. No problem. Now it seems no matter what I try---I can't drop five pounds. I think hormones are the culprit for me!

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