Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Merry-Go-Round Ride

Who loves to ride on a carousel?

Some people refer to the musical horse-themed ride as a merry-go-round.

Either way, a ride on one is a perfect delight----a reminder of childhood when life was filled with fun moments.

An old friend visited this weekend.

She is in her late 40s and I, on the other hand, am as old as dirt.

Besides shopping 'til we dropped,  we took a ride on a carousel.

It was just the two of us with no kids or grandkids in tow.

We were both delighted and laughed like a couple of kids.

I really felt like a child again and loved it. 

Life was so much simpler then.

Below is a photo of a kid-at-heart!



Sandi said...

“She is in her late 40s and I, on the other hand, am as old as dirt.”

I like how you said this! Makes me feel like a young whippersnapper. ;-)

Chatty Crone said...

It would be fun to take the gals from church and go on a Merry Go ROund ride at our age - that would be so cool!

diane stetson said...

My favorite ride. Glad you enjoyed it.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Always and Forever my favorite ride!! Yes it makes me feel like a kid again!


what a delightful experience to ride on a carousel as a grownup. fun. fun. fun.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, how wonderful that you rode the carousel! I had the pleasure of riding one last year with the girls. I bet you and your friend had a blast. And what a beautiful picture of you with your radiant smile.


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