Friday, April 5, 2019

A Place Designed for Kids

Sunnytown Place, in Western Massachusetts, is a toddlers dream-come-true.

It's a destination where everything is scaled to pint-size.

There's a Palace Theater where aspiring singers can grab a mike or play a mini-piano.

How about going to Grammy's Restaurant or visit the local fire station? 

There are even little outfits and red firefighters' hats for the little folk to wear and a petite firetruck to ride!

There're a couple of soft horses and other creatures to ride, a small pool of soft blue balls to slide into, and a tire swing to try out, too.

Such imagination went into this magical place.

Sad note:  After five years of operation, the building Sunnytown is housed in is being torn down to make way for a bank.

So glad we got to experience it before it closes for good.

May more Sunnytowns be built in the future. Children need to feel comfortable and welcome in their own spaces.

What fun it is for them to crawl through the trunk of a big tree!

There will be an online auction of things inside Sunnytown Place, in South Hadley, Massachusetts,  the owner told us, so check them out on FaceBook if you plan to open a business for kids or know someone who could use some of the wonderful things that will be available.



Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - how dreamy. I bet the kids just adored it. Were you surprised when Toys R Us closed? Funny my grandson said they studied in school they supported free birth control and planned parenthood.

I guess things are always changing.

Linda O'Connell said...

We have a wonderful Children;s place called the Magic House, very similar but also a lot of hands on science stuff. FUN!


Oh I was sad when when Toys 'R' Us closed out. Great memories from my daughters and granddaughters too. Oh well.
When I go visit the USA I will have to find some you and your readers just mentioned.
Thank you for popping in to visit my little blog.

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