Sunday, November 1, 2020

All Saints' Day


Today is All Saints' Day, a day set aside, in the Roman Catholic Church, to honor the "communion of saints" ----people believed to have achieved heaven "through good works and God's grace."

 All Souls' Day, on Nov. 2, is a day set aside to pray for all departed souls---including all our loved ones who have gone before us.

 All Souls' Day is a solemn church holiday but also a joyous one because we think of our loved ones who have gone ahead of us to the other life and know they no longer have to suffer on earth.

 The pretty, colorful cross shown in this post is from El Salvador. 

My late husband and I lived in that country,  as well as Nicaragua, both in Central America,  when we were first married. 

The arts and crafts are colorful and just lovely and the Salvadorian people are kind and sweet.

 The cross has scenes from the countryside and is  kind of primitive but charming in its simplicity.

Hope you have a peaceful and very blessed Sunday! 

Have fun.  

Enjoy each moment of life.



Chatty Crone said...

We do celebrate All Saint's Day in the Methodist Church.
I know you will be thinking of him today.

diane stetson said...

I thought All Saints day honored the Saints and All Souls day honored the dead. I know in Mexico they have the celebration with pictures of the people who have died and so forth. Very pretty cross Susan.

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