Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gift of Another Day

Each day we wake up and realize we are still alive and on the planet, Earth, it is something to celebrate. 

It's good to start each new day of life with gratitude, just for being alive.

There are so many hundreds of gifts given to most of us in any given day.

A very dear cousin, Marianne, lives very near a beautiful lake in western Massachusetts.

While visiting her recently, a walk to the edge of the lake seems like a great idea.

The day could not have been more perfect.

The water, the blue sky, the fluffy, white clouds, the not-too-hot temps, and spending time with a beloved cousin, all could become part of the gifts that deserve deep gratitude.

Try to count some of your own gifts from today and you may be surprised.

They add up quickly.

 So does saying "thank you" to the One who gives us everything.



Shug said...

This is a great, uplifting post. So often, we take the Blessings of the day for granted. I count it a Blessing to have my blogging friends and to be able to connect with you all several times a week. This looks like a very peaceful place to visit. There is something about water, whether it's a lake, river, stream, or pond...that is so very relaxing.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a nice visit you had with your cousin at the lake, Susan. I love to visit the lakes and rivers and creeks. It is such a peaceful setting. I love your words of giving thanks to the One who gives us everything. I do keep journals, and have been wanting to write in it soon. And Nel writes in her gratitude journal every day. : ) These are such pretty photos with the clouds in the distance.


diane stetson said...

Lovely pictures Susan. I plan on going on a party boat ride on our lake this coming Friday afternoon with my guests. It's great to do it in the summertime. I bring snacks and drinks .

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