Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Light of the World

Throughout our lives, we are given gifts for all kinds of occasions.

Some, we choose to keep for a long time while others stay with us for awhile and then we pass them on.

A little white angel, with hearts that come in many colors, is one of the keepers. 

A very dear friend, Jana, gave me this little angel. 

While we haven't seen each other in many decades, Jana is close to my heart.

She is a master at giving really unique and beautiful gifts.

Every night, when it's time to go to bed, the angel automatically turns on.

So when I walk into the bedroom, her little heart, (this month in aqua), is the light that welcomes me.

Nearby, on the dresser, is what I call the "rainbow" cross.

It's transparent and simple but, when placed in a window, with the sun behind it, it fills the room with hundreds of rainbows.

Both of these gifts, to me, represent the Lord, who brings us unparalleled happiness and peace.

He is, indeed, also the light of the world.

May your Sunday be blessed.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love these two items, and especially your beautiful words, Susan. I remember both of these treasures. And isn't that something that the angel lights up at night? Yes, living in an unsettling world, the Lord brings us the peace that we need. He brings us His light, and then we can shine through the darkness. You are such a dear blog friend to me. But you already know that. ; )


Shug said...

You do have some beautiful gifts and what a sweet blessing to have these treasures bring you such joy and peace every day. When I select gifts for people, it is always my goal for the gift to bring them happiness. Just imagine the joy your friends must have in knowing they gave you such a priceless gift. Thank you for sharing.

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