Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Slow Down the Seasons

 Oh nooooo.  The other day, during a visit to a dollar store, everything displayed was fall and Halloween.

It is not pleasant, in August, to see ghosts, witches, and pumpkins. Even all the pretty summery flowers were gone and replaced with almost everything orange.



Why rush the seasons?

Doesn't life go by fast enought?

Out in front of the small apartment, it's still summertime when it comes to flowers.

 A huge, pink geranium plant was said to be dead so I asked if it could come home with me instead of being tossed into the trash.

After nurturing it, feeding it plant food, watering it, and talking to it, it has literally come back to life.

 The pretty pink blossoms are blooming more and more each day.

 Wildflower seeds planted in a pot are coming to life, too, but some wretched bug is gnawing holes in the leaves.


I have been spraying the plants with NEEM, a bug killer,  but it might be too late for some of the blooms. Time will tell.

Truly, being thankful for flowers is something very precious. 

 They bring so much joy, including fake ones.

 The pretty rose garland at the top of the chair cost 50 cents at a church yard sale.

 It has added to the outdoor floral display.




Shug said...

I agree with you....why rush the seasons. While I am ready for Fall weather, I am still enjoying my beautiful flowers. Everything Halloween is in all the stores....including our local dollar store. Your pinks are so pretty. Enjoy them as long as you can.

diane stetson said...


diane stetson said...

I have flowers all year round where I live so I do not change a thing. There are blooms all the time as we do not have a change of seasons.

Red Rose Alley said...

You really brought that plant back to life, Susan. Yes, the Fall merchandise seems to come out late summer every year. I have to say that I get thrilled when I see Fall stuff, as it's my favorite season. I just bought some Disney Minnie Fall dish towels. Wow, that rose garland was 50 cents! It looks so nice draped over your wicker chair. And you know how much I love that chair.

Have a good rest of the week, dear Susan.


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....Yes, I change the flower with the seasons. I love Roses in the spring and summer, Mums in the Fall, and red poinsettias in the Winter. : )

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