Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter's Almost Here!

Tomorrow, Easter will be here.

All the sacrificing, hoping and waiting will be over.

Today is the last catch-up day in preparation for glorious church services to celebrate Christ's resurrection.

Also to prepare for a delicious ham dinner with guests.

I'll even set the dining room table ahead of time, to have everything ready.

Have a couple more small gifts that still have to be bought, too, so I'll run around just a little bit today.

The babkas (Polish Easter bread made with currants, grated lemon peel, almond slices and so on) are both made. 

They look quite  delicious and made the whole house smell heavenly.

Because the holiday came so early this year, there's no brightly colored Easter egg tree out in front of our house.

It was too cold and snowy. Maybe next year....

So the whole gang hopes you have a good holiday!

Easter is  a time of renewal and hope for all. Now who, on earth, doesn't need hope to keep on going? (Nobody I know.)

Byeeeeee. Have a beautiful Easter!



Unknown said...

Cute Easter Bunnies ^_^ Nothing special on the menu for the weekend, going to the opera tonight. Happy Easter!!

Rebecca said...

Sounds & looks like you have quite a celebration planned! Except for church service (which should be WONderful), Easter will be a little "low key" here. Grandkids coming for a few days during the that's where my planning is concentrated :)

Happy Easter Day!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy Easter dear friend!

Glenda said...

Since it's only my hubby and me, we'll have our usual assortment of leftovers for our Easter lunch. Always something good, though, so it's not a bad plan! Have a blessed Easter Sunday, Susan! :-)

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a cute post, Susan! I never eat ham because it doesn't agree with me but I do enjoy turkey for Easter dinner. Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and have a lovely Easter with your family.


marianne said...

Love all your bunnies; so spring-like. I usually make a nice Easter dinner with help from my sisters and sister-in-law, but this year my son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby(our 1st grandchild) on Easter Sunday. But guess what? They are at the hospital right now! We are waiting news of the birth of our
grandaughter. Oh, my!

Happy Easter to all.

Nellie said...

Ham is on the menu, but I will eat very little of it. Our daughter is doing the cooking!

I send wishes to you for a glorious Easter.

Susan said...

Happy Easter, dearest friend! As you know, I am a vegetarian, but I will cook a piece of salmon for my hubby...probably on the grill because we are having an usually beautiful Spring. I do concentrate on the early vegetables and fruits that are fresh in the market; asparagus, strawberries and rhubarb. Have a lovely dinner with your family; some bunny in the Pacific Northwest loves you, XOXO

jankasgarten said...

I wish you happy Easter!

Ruth Kelly said...

If I were ambitious, I would make a babka for Easter but I haven't had much energy lately. You have a house full of bunnies.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: Happy Easter. Nice pictures. I like to see your collection of rabbits. I'm going to eat my mother's house. A family food. We keep in touch.

Suzan said...

Adorable collection of bunnies!!
Have a wonderful Easter. Yes - hubby is cooking ham for the family- I don't eat anything with four legs so we'll also have lots of veggies as well!

Merlesworld said...

You have lots of sweet little bunnies no ham this year I'm not into ham so much any more but will be eating at home.

diane.stetson said...

Cooking and eating ham,au gratin potatoes,fruit salad green salad corn on the cob asparagus sqash and choc mousse for dessert

Chatty Crone said...

Well you look all ready for Easter tomorrow. All your bunnies were so cute. Wait til your little sweet pea gets a little older - she is going to have fun with your collections. Have a blessed Easter tomorrow. Sandie

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