Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Monday, May 4, 2020

May Is Mary's Month

There is a popular description of this new month that goes "The Merry Month of May."

However, I also like to describe May as "Mary's Month."  That signifies Mary, as in the Blessed Mother of God.

In the Catholic faith, May really is Mary's month.

In childhood, we even had a church group called the "Militia of Mary."

Thinking back on that time makes me smile now since "militia" has such a staunch, rather unpleasant sound to it.

Mary, after all, is gentle, kind, and the essence of compassion.

Children did a lot of praying and singing to Mary in the church of my childhood.

We even formed a living rosary on the church lawn. We were each assigned to recite, one at a time and over the course of five decades,  the prayers,  "Our Father," "Hail Mary,"  or "Glory Be to the Father."

Whew!  By the time we finished,  ending with the "Hail Holy Queen" prayer, we were kind of sick of standing but the sacrifice was always worth it for Mary.

Of course, there was lots of singing, too, songs such as "Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above" and "On This Day Oh Beautiful Mother."

Today, many, many years later, I'm still so grateful and privileged to feel close to the Mother of God.

When one's heart is broken or there is a huge favor to be asked, Mary is the one to go to.  She always comes through for her children.

So, on this fine day of the Merry "Mary" Month of May, I wish you peace, deep joy, and a heart that literally overflows with love. 



Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, thank you for reminding me of this, Susan. Since we are distancing ourselves right now, I miss so many things that the Church offers us. That is wonderful that you would all recite the Rosary on the lawn at your church. The Rosary brings me such peace and I feel so close to Mary while saying it. I just love your Mary statue. I've seen it in your house before, and it's beautiful. That is nice that you have lit a candle next to it.

May is a wonderful month, and I especially feel happy that I am connected to it in some way, as it is my birthday month and the month of Mother's Day.

Thank you for this very special post, Susan.


diane stetson said...

Love the month of May and also Mary the Mother of God. Childhood memories and rituals are still embedded in my heart and soul. I say the rosary daily and am uplifted by that simple little prayer. Thanks for pictures and post.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I am not Catholic and I did not know this. We don't celebrate Mary in the Methodist church like that. However, I love Mary because she is Christ's mother and I know she loved him.

Linda O'Connell said...

This is a lovely post and reminder. May is a month closer to summer.

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