Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Month of Celebrating! Post for Wednesday, December 1st

I Love Christmas.

My best friend in the southwest taught me a new way of celebrating birthdays.

She celebrates the entire month in which she was born, rather than restricting it to a one day of celebration.

She honors herself with luncheons, cards, gifts, and phone calls every day throughout her birthday month. If a gift arrives in the mail, she opens it immediately rather than wait until her actual birthday.

The result of making a birthday a month-long celebration is 31 days of joy and merriment instead of just one day!

Because I love the idea of celebrating a birthday for a whole month, I do it at Christmas time in rememberance of the Baby Jesus’ birthday.

I start decorating the entire house right after Thanksgiving. Every single day of December, something that pertains to Christmas gets done. This includes shopping, wrapping, baking, cooking, writing cards, mailing, and so on.
The Santa figures shown in this post are from an ever expanding army who have taken up residence in our house. Ho ho ho

Despite the busyness of the season, it’s exhilerating.

It's also important to take time to sit quietly in peace during this month, too. It's nice to contemplate on the birth of Sweet Baby Jesus Boy.



Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a wonderful idea! I love the decorations of Christmas, but my favorite is the time spent with my children.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED the first Santa you was warm and Jolly and gave a happy feeling...The wooden carved one I'd put in the bathroom as he looks like he swallowed a box of prunes. Ha Ha xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoBB I love the spiritual side of what is going on at this time of year...imagine a God who was willing to come to us as a baby...what an astounding thought!!!!

Claus said...

Guatemala is a country full of Christmas traditions, all around the birth of Jesus, so taking part in every one of them makes December a month of plenty of activities, which start with Advent - time of preparation - the last weekend of November.
I love the fact, too, that it is a time of friendship and good moments. If indeed life goes one, usually with its troubles and conflicts, they for once, don't take the headlines. It's a month of peace, if you will.
Enjoy each day to the fullest! It is the best way to remember Jesus.
have a great day!!

Chatty Crone said...

Great idea Susan - so Merry Christmas this first day of December. sandie

diane stetson said...

I love everything about the Christmas season but especially enjoy being with family and friends and going to midnight mass.

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