Friday, March 1, 2013

Baby Present Wrapping Paper

So many babies born in this country are lucky because people give just about anything a baby needs at showers prior to the baby's birth.

 Most moms-to-be have at least one shower in their honor.

The numbers of outfits, doodads and baby toys received for one little baby is sometimes mind-boggling.

It often makes me think of babies in the poorest nations in our world who are born into abject poverty and never receive  a single gift on their births.

We are so blessed here in the United States. There is great material abundance for new little ones.

By the way,  I wanted to show you the wrapping paper used for a recent baby shower gift.

The little figures are so adorable. 

 All I can think of is what a darling mural they would make  for a baby's room. 

Imagine an artist painting them on a nursery wall! 

Such a mural would be so colorful and cute!



Linda @ A La Carte said...

Cute paper! I always try to get something off the Mother's wish list for her. Each one is different.
hugs, Linda

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,

That gift paper is lovely!
Enjoy your day!

Tammy said...

We've had several teachers at school have babies. I had started making some things but didn't finish any one of them yet. The images on the gift paper would definitely make a very cute mural for a nursery wall. Best wishes, Tammy

Glenda said...

That paper is adorable! You are so right in your statement that we in this country are blessed with much material wealth, and I hope that we never take that for granted. It is a gift from God, and we should always acknowledge His blessings!

My favorite gift to give depends on the wishes of the parents, but I have found that a gift card to their favorite store will avoid duplication and give them some freedom and joy in shopping. I always LOVE gift cards!!

diane.stetson said...

Wherever the Mom is registered at or whatever she wants or a gift certificate to Target or Baby Gap are always good gifts to a new Mom. She will always need diapers too.

Dee said...

I think it is nice the beautiful things that are available for baby's and showers...much different than my day. LOL

Susan said...

Welcome to this blog's 353rd Follower, Maria da Luz Gonçalves.

She lives in Estremoz, Portugal.

Bienvenidos, Maria! Vuelvas frequentamente!

Hope each of you has a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for stopping by today.
Hugs to all... Susan

Nellie said...

I am not very creative when it comes to giving shower gifts. I usually find out where the honoree is registered, and that's where I go to shop.

That is really cute paper, and designs like that in a nursery would be such a good idea!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I love the pink giraffe - my niece finds out what she is having March 7th. I want a little girl!

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