Thursday, February 28, 2013


"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
                                                                                                         by Mark Twain

 Violets are such beautiful little flowers, aren't they?

Their fragrance is so delicate.  

I remember picking bunches of them as a child.  
Maybe loving violets so early in life made me fond of that color, too.

As for the forgiveness quote shown at the top of this post, it has a message of wisdom, doesn't it?

If there is someone you need to forgive, why not consider doing it today.



Terra said...

Your violet tea cups are a delight to see, and the quote. Forgiveness blesses us as well as the forgiven person.
Violets grow in my alley along a path, as welcome volunteers.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...


A lovely post. Your tea cups are certainly precious and I love the rich colors.

Such a well written and thought provoking post!

Thank you-

Merlesworld said...

My mum had violets growing along the house, they were hard to find if you didn't know they were there but we picked them and put little bunches in vases next to our beds they were nice to smell just before you go to sleep.
I have never been able to grow them.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,

Beautiful cups with the violets. I like the quote very much.
Violets are beautiful flowers, where I grew up we had a lot of them.
Have a nice day!

Linda O'Connell said...

Violets remind me of childhood. Isaw my first crocus pop its head out of the ground yesterday. yay!

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain, i like your tea cups. I really like violets with its delicate and elegant fragance. In the gardens of my city grow violets in spring. Keep in touch

Nellie said...

Love those teacups, Susan!

No, I can't remember any violets growing where I grew up. I do love them, though, and would love to plant some here this season.

Lady Linda said...

Good morning Susan! Did you get rid of all that snow yet?
A lovely post with sweet delicate violet teacups!
It is so freeing to forgive, difficult by always worth the hardship.

Violets did not grow where I was growing up, but they do grow at my home in Oregon and spread like crazy. I love them.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

These cups are so pretty! I didn't have violets growing up but I do have some in my yard now! hugs, Linda

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Very beautiful violet tea cups! I don't remember if violets grew in North Dakota where I grew up. Sure don't remember seeing any. A sweet blog today.

Glenda said...

I do not recall any wild violets growing as I was growing up, but my grandmother had a real green thumb, and she was given some potted African violets that always seemed to thrive for her. My thumb, unfortunately, is brown. :-( Weeds seen to enjoy my "talent!" I do really like that quote, and the cups are lovely!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Such pretty tea cups and saucers! I love violets. They are the New Jersey state flower so I enjoy they every spring :)

Dee said...

Sweet and dainty cups....I love the sound of putting a china cup back down onto the saucer when drinking from it. I remember using sugar cubes to sweeten my tea when using a china cup.... I remember violets and always associate them with Love.

Bookie said...

Lovely teacups...been to see how 97 year old father in law who broke hip...tired and so nice to sit down to this lovely view!

Connie said...

Your tea cups are lovely, and what you said about forgiveness is of the up most importance. Hanging on to unforgiveness . . . steals away our joy.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Tammy said...

The violet is the flower of February. I have a few violet items that I've collected though the real ones certainly wouldn't last in this environment very long. Violets are a simple of faithfulness. Thanks for your faithful visits and lovely comments. Tammy

me said...

Those tea cups are so pretty! No, I don't recall violets growing naturally but they sure are beautiful! I like your suggestion of forgiveness. Very cool idea. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
sugar is sweet,
and so are YOU!

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