Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Exquisite Stargazer Lilies

Can there possibly be anything more fragrant and regal than a big bouquet of stargazer lilies?

These beauties are truly among my favorite flowers.

Please forgive the many, many photos in this post. When stargazers are around, I go crazy with my camera. 

Their fragrance edges on the divine.

Walk into a room where there are stargazers and one experiences a little bit of heaven.

Looking deep into the middle of the blooms is a pleasure. It makes me want to jump in! 

They are magnificent to look at, too.  Their petals are big, showy, and breathtaking.

Even their name is quite amazing, don't you agree?

Stargazers!  Think of that. Think of standing in a yard and looking up to the night heavens, searching for twinkling stars, and then finding them.

See stargazer lilies in the afternoon sun and they are even more gorgeous than usual.

Ahhhhhhh. Finding this bouquet of stargazer lilies was such a precious gift. 

Having just given some stargazers to a friend who is recuperating from an injury, I was elated to have some of these precious blooms  for the kitchen table at home.

If your soul needs a pick-me-up, if you need to get a glimpse of heaven, and if you want to bask in incredulous fragrance that will fill a room, go buy some stargazer lilies. 



Terra said...

These are lovely flowers and I have been known to grow them in pots on my patio and to buy bouquets.

Chatty Crone said...

I am not real familiar with them, but I do know them when I see thm. I think the name for them is perfect.

diane stetson said...

I don't think they call them that here where I live but they are beautiful and very fragrant.

Linda O'Connell said...

Star gazer lilies were in my bridal bouquet, and one of my late friends, favorite flowers. very special indeed.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

They sure do make a statement. Lilies always smell good at first, but if kept too long, they kinda lose their appeal. Maybe it depends on the variety?

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