Thursday, September 10, 2020

Amazing Amber Glass

 Amber glass seems synonymous with autumn.

The rich, deep orange/yellow/light brownish colored tinges of amber glass make it perfect for fall.

Amber glass is reminiscent of a spectacular show of autumn leaves when they turn colors and become splendorous to look at.

Every autumn, a plastic bin labeled "AMBER GLASS" comes carefully down two flights of stairs from the attic.

The collection of amber glass used to be much bigger but several pieces have been given away.

Still, the ones that are left make me smile and appreciate that fall is well on its way.



Red Rose Alley said...

I remember you putting your Amber glass out every Fall, Susan. They are gorgeous pieces. And Yes, they DO look like Autumn with its pretty color. I'm glad you find things around the house to comfort you. We all need to surround ourselves with joy as much as we can during this unsettling time. : )


diane stetson said...

Lovely amber glass Susan. I hope you enjoy looking at it all fall.

Chatty Crone said...

I do like the amber glass - it reminds me of fall and I am soooooo ready. Are you getting cooler there?

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